Peace Preserves' current products include our Maine made jam spreader, individually handcrafted from recycled cherry wood with the words "spread peace" engraved on the handle, as well as, unique peace bracelets with our original peace dove insignia on clay beads, accented with multi colored vintage beads. Purchase products on our online store. 1% of our total sales are donated to youth groups involved in peace related projects. Currently we are donating primarily to clubs in PeaceJam Northeast.
My motivation to initiate Peace Preserves evolved from a lifetime commitment in believing that global peace is possible. I am an optimist at heart. It has been a series of synchronistic events that became the catalyst in creating my products and the message they carry "Peace Preserves".
Peace Preserves
Purchase our products at our online store. Contact us with questions or comments at or (207) 589-3451.